Why Callmaster Mobile?
Like most businesses, CMM are often asked by prospective customers why they should use our service and as most of the time we are dealing with someone interested in facts and figures (an MD or FD) we decided it would be good to run some numbers.
CMM’s annual investment in our customer’s business: 15,180 hours
YES, you read that right, 15,180 hours, that is nearly
2 YEARS if you work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Now if you paid someone the national average wage (according to ONS 2012) for those hours it would cost you £197,850.67. Don’t forget the 67p, we don’t, because we pay attention to detail.
So yes, we do strive to get you the best value deal for your mobile telecommunications, we do keep you on the most up to date tariff, we do tell you about new handsets, but so do the mobile networks if you speak to them directly.
We are not simply a tariff based business, we do a lot more for our customers in those 15,180 hours – we guide, we recommend, we reassure, we liaise, we manage, we are there in person when you need us so you can concentrate on your business.
We appreciate these are big numbers we can break them down for you in future posts, but if you want to talk about them today then get in touch thom@cmmtelecoms.co.uk
Check out our infographic on the topic, simply click and be amazed!